Thursday, August 27, 2020
Lesson Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Exercise Study - Essay Example The procedure of Lesson Study can be ordered under four phases, which are one of a kind to this philosophy and furthermore take into account the improvement if understudy accomplishment in school educational program; while advancing a point by point examinations of the topic too. The stages are as per the following: This stage comprises of an investigation of the scholarly educational plan, by gauging the themes and topic of study. What's more, the specialists and instructors likewise remember the cutting edge interests of the understudies and the advancement of the nature of training transmitted. On doing this, they detail the objectives for this procedure. This stage includes the making arrangements for the exploration that joins this philosophy of guidance. It included breaking down the appreciation and ingestion levels of understudies. In light of this, the degree of information assortment, the mode fo gathering it and the strategy to convey forward the methodology is arranged and booked. This strategy is the genuine pragmatic part of this system of Lesson Study, wherein one of the showing employees
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Films And Television Impact On Tourists Tourism Essay
Movies And Television Impact On Tourists Tourism Essay Film incited the travel industry is a developing marvel around the world. Movies and TV can have sway on sightseers dynamic upon their decisions of movement and goal. Movies make crowd everywhere throughout the world go gaga for them and endeavor to make a trip to where the movies were made, in this manner empowering the film areas to become traveler goals. The intensity of the film and TV in advancing goals and invigorating the travel industry request is a global marvel. In this way, film and TV arrangement typically have all the more long haul impacts in the travel industry. Today, all through China, more than many TV-Movie towns are incorporated and have turned with amusement park, which conveys a specific brand name to engage potential vacationers. Plainly numerous urban communities have a significant undertaking to get their locales perceived all inclusive as appropriate and trendy goals for worldwide and local the travel industry. China West film studio in Ningxia area, as one of the cutting-edge film amusement park, is picked as a contextual investigation to investigate its turn of events, covering its ways of achievement and disappointment. The effect of film and TV for an individual, a spot even a country isn't disdained. All through household and abroad, a film studio which takes an entire procedure of making motion pictures and important things for film and TV as the attractions is turning out to be increasingly more well known in the travel industry. Chinas the travel industry is presently overhauled from touring driving stage to the recreation and social experience driving stages. In this specific situation, depending on recording and hitting the show (and resulting comparable social subject film) to make the picture and related social experience the travel industry items for the studio has bit by bit become a lot of most loved of new relaxation and experienced items in business sectors. It is additionally a travel industry utilization hotspot. Just rely upon recording pay for a film studios advancement is an outright losing recommendation. Particularly one film left a city locates, the impediment of a landscape sp ot is considerably greater. In this manner, many film studios at last compelled to go to the travel industry viewpoint, to turn into a film amusement park. China film and TV the travel industry was started in 1980s. In this procedure, the film amusement park as the unavoidable result of the film business advancement is progressively be known and turn into a sort of uncommon the travel industry action puts alongside the film the travel industry improvement. The improvement of film amusement park to vacation destinations began in Beijing. In 1984, CCTV built up the well known Chinese Literature A Dream of Red Mansions into a TV arrangement. It turned into the most mainstream TV arrangement of now is the right time (A Dream of Red Mansions, CCTV 2008). Truth be told, it was the most punctual well known arrangement in China (A Dream of Red Mansions, CCTV 2008). Contrasted and abroad, Chinas film the travel industry was begun late. Its improvement stage is moderately in reverse and the gainfulness isn't entirely acceptable. As per measurements, the film amusement park which was through the endorsement has about more than 110 at present in China, however just 14 or 15 can do the typical business ( Among them, just CCTV WuXi Movie and TV Base, ZhuoZhou TV and Movie Town and China West Film Studio is running admirably. The greater part of the film amusement park just has barely any group and guests entered. 1.1.2 The Film Studio circumstance in China The film studio in China is distinctive with the most renowned Americans film studio. Chinas film studio can to a great extent called video creation base, the primary errand is for film and TV creation administrations. However, the Americans film studio can be truly called film amusement park. The guests is god there, they appreciate the great film experience which doesnt exist in the truth however just exist in the film. As indicated by comprehend, depending on assortment the sell rental and creating film the travel industry are the primary benefit model in Chinas film studio, and this single benefit model has concealed gigantic hazard. Chinas film studio consistently has been the job of film makers. Individuals fabricate film studio for shooting, yet the manufacturer frequently overlook the manageable improvement of the film studio. Consequently cause once the team delisted, that film studio will confront the waste circumstance. Information uncovered that a film base covers a zone of thousands of sections of land, yet the benefit is just 10% of group cost ( 1.1.3 General Information of China West Film Studio China West Film Studio is a hot area for visitors because of well known film and TV arrangement. Its the national AAAAA class grand territory for the travel industry and best beautiful region for the travel industry in (China West Film Studio 2011). China West Film Studio is situated in Yinchuan City, Ningxia Province, China. It has the helpful transportation. It is 38 kilometers from the midtown of Yinchuan city, 25 kilometers from railroad station, and 48 kilometers from air terminal. It is the hot grand spot for the travelers who visited Ningxia must go through. (China West Film Studio 2011). QQà ¦Ã‹â€  ªÃƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃ‚ ¾Ãƒ ¦Ã… ªÃƒ ¥Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ½Ãƒ ¥Ã‚  .png Fig1.1.3 The area of China West Film Studio in Yinchuan city, Ningxia territory, China The development of the China West Film Studio depended on the military camps at the outskirt area in Ming and Qing lines. In 1961, the surely understands author Zhang Xiang Liang found its exceptional estimation of magnificence. In the mid 80s in 20 century, Mr. Zhang acquainted this spot with hover of motion pictures, from that point, this spot started to join the motion pictures and TV plays. Till now, there were close to 100 motion pictures and TV plays had been taken here (China West Film Studio 2011). The incredible chiefs from the territory, Hong Kong and Taiwan of China had their ability here. A great deal of new stars walked onto the world only from here and they turned into the universal stars from there on. Still a great deal of motion pictures taken here had got various prizes on the conspicuous, universal motion pictures celebrations, a portion of those motion pictures had know as the run of the mill ones throughout the entire existence of Chinese motion pictures. Also, t he remnants of antiquated military camps were changed into the popular motion pictures and TV plays city in China. This spot had got the fine notoriety as Chinese motion pictures walk on the world from here (China West Film Studio 1993). Yet, exactly at start of the development of the studio city. Mr. Zhang Xian Liang anticipated that the advancement of motion pictures would make the creation of utilizing the procedures of the electronic PC to an ever increasing extent. The future motion pictures will be delivered as opposed to taken. In this way, the capacity of a studio to give a spot to taking motion pictures will disappear a little bit at a time over the long haul. Thusly, individuals consistently consider this West Studio a picture refer to rather than a Movies and TV plays city, the name Movie and TV plays city was a well known talking. However, the picture city implies an exemplification of the old towns in the north China. Over the span of Chinese modernization, urban-documentation and the development of new country zones, countless Chinese customary, material and non-material development is bound to be lessened progressively. The West Film Studio is putting forth a valiant effort to gather this Chinese customary, material and non-material development, display it on the desert and destroys in the tremendous north land, let the old matured documented have the option to show some splendid hues. During the travelers visiting, they will be much the same as sitting back channel to come back to the past long antiquated time. Our progenitors Glamor was appeared there, other than the important recorded memory was held also. At that point, on the base of acquiring the verifiable culture, China West Film Studio built up their creative mind and creation. Presently, other than the stage properties utilized in the notable motion pictures and incredible stars, hints of their exercises, there are different collectibles, furniture, utensils, devices, design parts and so forth with rich substance and Ming Qing administrations extraordinary highlights. What's more, the regular offices prepared in the typical the travel industry places, for example, café, for example, MaYinghua visitor amusement focus, Sheqi tea Bar, Baihua tang corridor, show lobby, grocery stores, traveler gifts, and so on, every one of them can be found here. There still are the film charges presentation, masterful photography display, aesthetic figures, and the exhibition of remnants which was worked for purpose of ensuring the social relics uncommonly. Furthermore, there are the antiquated ensemble photographs, horse riding, bolt shooting and some one of a kind, people execution such diversion things here. China West Film Studio additionally after MTV for the sightseer s to appreciate the scenes and stage properties with the visitor themselves in the MTV or short movies, the voyagers can act in the copy appear as an extraordinary star or snap a picture for your entire group. Every single above action may cause travelers to feel a visitor while appearance, a well known star while flight. 1.2 Statement of Problems Film amusement park (FTP) has all the earmarks of being another type of the travel industry in China, yet its business-along with notoriety of Chinese motion pictures nation wide and word wide, just as development in visitor exercises moves at a rapid in creating critical income for Chinas the travel industry. While inquires about on Chinese movies and their effect upon the travel industry have been lavishly created, little has been done in relations with FTP. As FTP business becomes bigger, an investigation on its prosperity and disappointment factors turns out to be increasingly significant, with the goal that administration heading of FTP can be mapped out more emphatically to support its action as a suitable piece of the travel industry in China. Like its ancestors Universal Studio, Paramount Pictures, or Shaw Brothers, CWFS has endeavored to make another universes goal of film the travel industry. Be that as it may, the achievement models of the formers may not be aimlessly replicated and be recreated in China. FTPs in China show various degrees of improvement around China, yet some of them have the issues, because of short-life cycle, trouble in activity and profit for the speculation. Combined with concentrate on the activity and the executives sides of FTP, this examination likewise means to e
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive London Business School Essay Analysis, 20182019
Blog Archive London Business School Essay Analysis, 2018â€"2019 *Please note: You are viewing an essay analysis from the 2018-2019 admissions cycle. Click here to view our collection of essay analyses for the current admissions season. London Business School (LBS) has made no changes at all to its application essay questions this year (after several previous years of regular amendments), so perhaps the program has settled on prompts that deliver precisely what the admissions committee is seeking. In truth, the school stipulates that only one essay is actually requiredâ€"one that largely constitutes a traditional personal statementâ€"but some candidates may want to seriously consider submitting an additional essay if they have elements in their profile they believe are crucial to a fair and thorough evaluation. In our analysis that follows, we help you decide and craft your approach, whether you ultimately write just one essay for LBS or two. Essays are a vital part of your application and we recommend that you spend a significant amount of time in their preparation. Essay 1: What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these? (500 words) As we noted earlier, LBS’s primary essay prompt essentially requests several elements of a traditional personal statement. You will need to show that you have a long-term vision for yourself and your career and that you have a clear plan for how to get there via an LBS MBA. The basic assumptions, of course, are that business school is the next logical and necessary step in your progress and that you need the LBS program in particular, because it offers specific experience, knowledge, skills, exposure, and/or other elements that are necessary for you to attain your long-term aspirations and chosen career. Ideally, you have already researched the school thoroughly to discover these important resources and areas of fit, but if not, do not skip this important step and/or refer only to basic offerings most business schools have. Your essay must be LBS specific. Demonstrating your authentic interest in the program by offering concrete examples and drawing clear connections between what it offers, what you need, and who you are is key to crafting a compelling essay response here. Because 500 words is not a lot, avoid going into excessive detail about your past, though you will need to offer enough information to provide context and support for your stated goals. As we have observed, this essay largely encompasses a standard personal statement, so we encourage you to download your free copy of the mbaMission Personal Statement Guide. In this complimentary guide, we present a much more detailed discussion of how to approach and craft this kind of essay, along with multiple illustrative examples. Optional Essay: Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School? (500 words) Applicants often use the optional essay to explain confusing or problematic elements of their candidacyâ€"a poor grade or GPA, a low GMAT or GRE score, a gap in work experience, etc.â€"and LBS’s can certainly be used in this way. If you feel you need to clarify an aspect of your profile, first check the other parts of the school’s application, which already includes several opportunities to address certain issues (such as academic performance and disciplinary instances). If you can discuss your concern there instead, do so, and avoid using this essay to simply repeat any information provided via that avenue. If you have a problem to address that is not mentioned in the LBS application, we suggest downloading a copy of the mbaMission Optional Essays Guide, which is also available for free, and in which we offer detailed advice on deciding whether to take advantage of the optional essay and, if so, how best to do so to mitigate any concerning elements of your application. However, if you do not feel your candidacy includes any elements in need of further clarification, you might use this essay instead to offer a more rounded, positive representation of yourselfâ€"but be thoughtful about this opportunity. Do not just copy and paste an existing essay you wrote for a different school here and hope for the best. Take a step back and carefully consider what the admissions committee already knows about you from the other parts of your application, including, of course, your other essay. Then, do your utmost to develop and convey a narrative that is truly crucial to understanding your character. Because this question is so open-ended, your options are somewhat limitless. You will need to honestly check your instincts and ask yourself whether you are simply tacking something extra onto your application with this essay or whether you are presenting an authentic representation of who you are as an individual. Be mindful and respectful of the admissions committe e’s time, and remember that each additional file you submit requires more resources on behalf of the admissions office, so whatever you write must be truly worthwhile and clearly reveal that you made good use of this opportunity to provide further insight into your candidacy. Business schools outside the United States are increasingly popular among MBA hopefuls, and we at mbaMission are proud to offer our latest publications: Program Primers for international b-schools. In these snapshots we discuss core curriculums, elective courses, locations, school facilities, rankings, and more. Click here to download your free copy of the London Business School Program Primer. The Next Stepâ€"Mastering Your LBS Interview: Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possibleâ€"the key is informed preparation. And, on your way to this high level of preparation, we offer our free Interview Primers to spur you along! Download your free copy of the London Business School Interview Primer today. Share ThisTweet 2018-2019 Business School Essays International Business Schools London Business School London Business School MBA Essay Analysis
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Face Of Face Communications - 1370 Words
In the past twenty years, the face to face communications as well as the ways of communication have changed. With the creation of numerous devices, applications, and an unbelievable connection with each other, the biggest distances have been shortened in ways never imagined. Two decades ago, people could not imagine how effective and fast a device of the size of the palm of your hand could connect you with people all over the world. With great ideas and a mentality of progress, humans and technology have changed the way we interact and how we used to see the world. These changes have helped to create a more capable society which is able to do things we once thought they were impossible, but it also has had a negative impact in the way we behave. Within the communication world, the evolution of the telephone is the biggest attraction for people of all ages. In the past, landlines were the main source of communication, while cellphones were uncommon, or actually inexistent. We have come from telephones which only capability was to call, to smartphones that have calling, texting, emailing, and different social networks that connect you with people world widely; and all this is in one simple device that is every time smaller and better. A smartphone is the combination between a phone and a computer. It is capable of do multiple task, such as connect to internet to check emails, make video calls, take pictures, access to documents and websites of your preference, and theShow MoreRelatedFace And Face Of Face Communication923 Words  | 4 PagesFace-To-Face Communication With the rapid growth of high technology, computer, telephone and other communication tools have become more and more important in our daily life. â€Å"Through the advent of technologies such as e-mail, wireless Internet, and cell phones, organizations are becoming more wired both within and outside of the workplace.†(Marcus, Becker and Boswell). What people have gradually ignored face-to-face communication? Face-to-face communication means people interact with each otherRead MoreThe Face Of Face Communication1274 Words  | 6 Pages Face-to-Face communication (F2F) Businesses nowadays are constantly making an effort to monitor employee movements and improve productivity. This is where a device that can help to monitor and build profile of an employee, and improve productivity required. This will enable the organization’s management to gather business insights and improve their profitability. Prosodica will play a significant role in order to analyze performance of employees who deal with clients on a regular basis. UsingRead Moreface to face communication2603 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿Nothing can replace the value of face-to-face communication. However in a growing business, traveling to meet with customers and team members is not always feasible or economical. We communicate over email and phone, but even then, messages get misinterpreted and a sense of personal connection is never truly established or maintained. In fact, it’s said that over 90% of how we communicate is through nonverbal cues like gestures and facial expressions. With that said, one cannot underestimate theRead MoreCommunication : The Importance Of Face To Face Communication1108 Words  | 5 Pages Face-to-face communication was once the only means of communicating. There was a time when the only way to communicate with loved ones at a distance was through telegraph. One would send a messenger with a telegraph to read aloud to another person. Then came along the next method for communicating, sending hand written letters and postcards. Imagine being the wife of a soldier away at war and hearing from your husband every few months through letters. Phones eventually became a popular way toRead MoreFace to Face Communications Essay1105 Words  | 5 Pagesmethod of face-to-face meetings, with the new wave of technology based meetings. Laying the framework for potential deals on the international stage still requires face-to-face meetings and a thorough understanding of not only the people involved but an understanding of the culture is necessary for success. The idea that modern information and communication technology reduces the need for foreign business travel is a misleading claim. The underlying idea in the â€Å"It’s All About Face-to-Face†caseRead MoreAdvantages And Disadvantages Of Face To Face Communication833 Words  | 4 PagesCommunication is a key factor in giving and receiving information, so what are the advantages and disadvantages of face to face interactions and virtual communication? To find the similarities and differences of the two named methods of communication, I conducted a 5 question survey with six people. Three people were surveyed face to face, while the other three were surveyed over social media. The questions were all based on the attire, behavior, and method of discipline of a ten-year-old girl.Read MoreFace Of Face Communication A Lost Art868 Words  | 4 PagesFace to Face Communication a Lost Art As of today I can truly say that most youth and young adults are lacking in social communication skills. We have lost the art of letter writing, face to face interaction, even phone conversations lack in social etiquette. However, the most important of these loses is the face to face communication, without it we will be lost in a world of Tweets, Instagram’s and Facebook. I am of the old school beliefs that face time more efficient than other kinds of communicationRead MoreFace to Face Communication Versus Computer Mediated Communication1754 Words  | 8 PagesFace to Face Communication versus Computer Mediated Communication In the 21st century we are now living in, the rapid advancement of technology has completely changed our lives, especially the tools we use to communicate. In the olden days where snail mail is one of the popular ways in communicating, people would rather choose interact face to face because it is the only way that could physically maintain their relationship as they can see the facial expressions and body gestures shown by the personRead MoreEssay on Face to Face Vs. Electronic Communication1722 Words  | 7 Pagesanger? Many get emails or texts or any forms of messages through electronic communication and have no idea what the message is saying or how their tone of voice is. Many have kids who just started using communication or haven’t started at all, and are wondering what to teach their kids about communication. The best solution to this problem is to teach using face to face communication. In the old days, talking face to face was the way to go. They would walk or dr ive somewhere and meet up just to haveRead MoreThe Facebook Sonnet: Decreases Face-to-Face Communication792 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Facebook Sonnet†by Sherman Alexie brings up ideas and controversy over social media because it decreases face-to-face communication. Though Facebook allows people to contact old and new friends, it renders away from the traditional social interaction. Online, people are easily connected by one simple click. From liking one’s status to posting multiple pictures, Facebook demands so much attention that it’s easy for users to get attach. They get caught up in all the online aspect of their lives
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Last Utopia By Samuel Moyn Essay - 951 Words
Samuel Moyn, in his work The Last Utopia, argues that, at its core, the anticolonial movement was not a human rights struggle, writing, â€Å"If anticolonialism generally spurned human rights, one might say, it was because it was a rights of man movement, with all the prior fidelity to the state that concept implied in modern history.†Moyn’s emphasis on the state here is telling. Because the rights that a nation could provide were particular to its citizens, not international, they could not be human rights. The â€Å"rights of man†were not the rights of all. Further, Moyn views the concept of self-determination as an idea that had to be taken over by human rights. As he states, â€Å"Self-determination would have to give way to human rights.†Through this, it can be seen that he does away with the idea that self-determination and human rights could coexist together. Rather, for human rights to succeed, self-determination had to fail. Between Moyn†™s dismissal of the state as a vehicle to enable the development of human rights to his argument that self-determination and human rights were two concepts that would have to vie for implementation, it is evident that he does not regard decolonization as a human rights struggle. Lynn Hunt, while still criticizing the impact of decolonization on human rights, does not go as far as Moyn in her argument. To Hunt, the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 was the epitome of progress towards an international, universal
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modern Warfare - 1061 Words
Modern warfare ranges from small to large campaigns with military fundamentals shaping the battlefield. However, none has a more significant value as the Napoleonic eras. Although France is no longer a dominant power, its military fundamentals influence the United States (U.S.) military. The U.S. military employs three Napoleonic era fundamentals of Command and Control (C2), professional military, and nationalism. These fundamentals shape the U.S. military during peace and war. Maintaining peace and winning wars are important. To do that, large capable militaries are required with C2 and Napoleon recognized this. Napoleon task organized the Army into Armies, Corps, Divisions, and Brigades, centralizing C2. Napoleon’s Supreme Command†¦show more content†¦CMTCs provided the foundation for CAM units deploying to a Full Spectrum of Operations battlefield. Although conflicts tailor training, training is the number one reason the U.S. Army is successful. â€Å"Training is not something we do. It is what we do!†A professional military is not successful as a nation of support. France experienced a revolution, one that brought change from mass politics to mass warfare to Europe. Napoleon recognized this and â€Å"benefited from the transition from dynastic to national warfare. The French revolution had realized the idea for the citizen Soldier, committed to the cause of the people, for which he fought. Napoleon exploited nationalism on his own troops, rallying them to success.†National success depends on every citizen. As the French Army mobilized, its citizens did, too. â€Å"Young men will go to battle; married men will forge arms and transport supplies; women will make tents, uniforms, and serve in hospitals; children will pick rags; old men will have themselves carried to public squares to inspire the courage of the warriors, and to preach hatred of kings and the unity of the Republic.†Nationalism brought change to the world, as monarchies were overthrown and people governments formed. Although the U.S. formed prior to the French Revolution, its Nationalism has been prevalent for over 200 years. National support defines U.S. military success, as it did for Napoleon. When conflicts are imminent, the U.S. military mobilizesShow MoreRelatedThe Ill Effects Of Modern Warfare988 Words  | 4 PagesThe Ill Effects of Modern Warfare Asel Parish Mrs. Miller 4Th period English 08/12/15 The Effects of Warfare has changed drastically since World War I. No longer are we set to just rifles and explosive weaponry. 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The United States needs to adopt and maintain an irregular warfare mindset, above that of conventional, to ensure adaptable economic, political and military capabilities in an ever evolving global environment. InRead MoreEssay on Modern Warfare1411 Words  | 6 Pagesmilitary’s tech and what is still being developed? Technology in the military has greatly increased strength and eased the ranking among world powers and effected the development of new military weapons. Technology is a very important part of modern warfare so what advancements have been made in our military’s tech and what is still being developed? The space race that took place between U.S.A and the Soviet Union during the cold war spawned some of the greatest technical achievements in historyRead MoreVirtual War : Kosovo And Beyond1907 Words  | 8 Pages The production of modern technologies has created the possibility of â€Å"risk free war making.†Michael Walzer, a prominent moral philo sopher, believes that the possibility of a risk-free war is a positive thing. A soldier has a right to fight from a distance so long as their weapons can aim accurately at their military targets. Michael Ignatieff, on the other hand, is concerned that a risk-free war can create serious moral problems. In his book Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond, Michael Ignatieff presentsRead MoreNapoleons Warfare Strategies And Tactics On Modern Day Warfare1275 Words  | 6 Pageshe used in the battlegrounds were desired and thus copied by many during his era and up today. Warfare especially during the Napoleonic era fundamentally changed modern warfare and continues to be the main reason the military studies Napoleon today. It impacted the battles of today. This essay’s main purpose is to point out the impacts of Napoleon’s warfare strategies and tactics on modern day warfare. It will analyze the principles Napoleon used during his era, and they include the theory of nationalismRea d MoreEssay on Modern Warfare and Technology:823 Words  | 4 PagesIn today’s modern world, faster and faster are the world’s strongest nations developing new and advanced technologies for the future. Where they all start is in the government’s military field, where they search, and discover new innovations every day. To look for the world’s most modified computer technology one place to look at would be the U.S military. Every year the U.S. spends over a trillion dollars on inventing new technologies, and expanding our knowledge in science. The government hasRead MoreCall Of Duty : Modern Warfare 31015 Words  | 5 Pages Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was an extremely popular first person shooter released in 2011. This game was released around a time when the U.S. was engaged in The Long War, in Afghanistan. Since this is a war game produce during a period of war I was interested in how the game’s was influenced by history during that time. Writer Michael Vlahos, discusses this in his article â€Å"What ‘Call of Duty’ Shows About How War Changed America†. The games of Call of Duty series sometimes assumes the role asRead MoreDefining Victory Of The Modern Age Of Warfare818 Words  | 4 PagesWords Matter: Defining Victory in the Modern Age of Warfare The United States has not stopped winning wars but the nature of both war and victory has changed. Adjusting to an evolving geopolitical environment, since World War II the U.S. has changed the reasons it employs military force and the types of wars it wages. Taken within the context of the each conflict’s era, the U.S. has met with mixed results in each conflict but ultimately has emerged victorious. Defining Victory What is victory? In
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Communicable Disease free essay sample
A communicable disease can be defined as a disease that is spread or can be spread from one individual to another or sometimes from an animal to a human being (Webber, 2009). The spread of a communicable disease does not only happen through airborne bacteria or viruses, but also through blood and other fluids of the body. Communicable diseases are sometimes termed as contagious or infectious diseases. Tuberculosis is an example of a communicable disease. Tuberculosis or TB is a bacterial and communicable disease that spreads by inhaling tiny droplets from an infected person’s sneezing or coughing (Ramen, 2012). Although this medical condition is serious and can lead to death, it can be treated quite easily especially if detected early enough. The main organ of the body affected by TB is the lungs. Nevertheless, the disease can affect other parts of the body such as circulatory system, central nervous system lymphatic system, and bones among others. Other environmental factors include the lack of public services and assistance, proper medical services and discrimination against those affected with the virus (Nichols, Tchounwoa, amp; Mena, 2009). The influences of lifestyle and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are based on how an individual decides to live his or her life. Intravenous drug users who share used needles are at risk of contracting and transmitting the virus. Men who engage in sexual relations with men are at risk of developing and transmitting the virus. There are many lifestyles that can put an individual at risk for contracting the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The socioeconomic status relating to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is usually determined by grouping an individual’s occupation, income, and education level. Even though socioeconomic affects everyone those on the lower end of the spectrum are more likely to contract the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and developing the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). The unavailability of resources is related to risky health behavior, which may lead to contracting HIV. Maintaining the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is more effective since the early 1980s. There are more medication readily available than in the early stages of the disease. There are some inconsistencies in the care of individuals with HIV concerning getting the proper access and receiving the needed services in some underserved communities. However, there are many resources available to individuals interested in getting information, getting tested, and getting the necessary treatment for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The recommendation for expanding the communities programs would be to coordinate community resources with federal and state programs. The health department should continue educating the public on how important it is to be tested regularly and if an individual takes an HIV test and get a positive result how important it is to begin treatment to stay healthy. Using the media is a way of getting the information to the public and educating in a nationwide forum. There are new test available that can be done in the privacy of one’s home. Even though the test is not 100% accurate it is something the public can use to determine if someone is positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The public health department offers at no cost testing for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), counseling, and referral services for individuals who have tested positive for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The health department educates how the virus is spread and how to protect oneself from getting the disease. The Ryan White HIV/AIDS program is assists those who are infected with the HIV disease, and it helps the individual gain access to the needed treatment. This program provides medical care and needed support that an individual with HIV/AIDS will need. In conclusion, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infectious disease transmitted in several ways. Since the first outbreak of HIV in the 1980s the annual number of new cases has dropped by more than two- thirds since the 1990s. This is a result of new and advanced treatments for the disease. The government on the national, state, and local levels are working together to try to prevent new cases of HIV by educating the public and providing medical care to infected individuals.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Production of Liquefied Natural Gas
Introduction Exxon Mobil Corporation is a multinational corporation that deals with oil and gas production. Having its headquarters located in Irving, Texas, Exxon Mobil Corporation has its shares enlisted in the New York Stock Exchange. The company as well trades its shares in Dow Jones and SP 500 Component. The company reserves an average of 70 billion oil barrels every year.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Production of Liquefied Natural Gas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Exxon Mobil Corporation has about 40 oil refineries brances in about 20 countries in the world. Having been formed in 1870, the company has emerged as one of the largest refiner in the world. Averagely, Exxon Mobil produces about 3.9 million barrels of oil. Exxon Mobil Corporation majorly markets its products through the brands of Mobil, Esso and Exxon (Casper Matraves 2003, p. 112). Global operating divisions The company has a range of divisions, which helps the firm to carry out its activities effectively. The first category is upstream, which majorly deals with oil exploration, wholesale operations, shipping of diverse oil products as well as extraction. The upstream division is located in Houston, Texas. The downstream division is located in Fairfax, Virginia and chiefly deals with retail operations, refining and marketing. The chemical division is as well located in Houston, Texas and mainly deals with a range of chemicals produced by the company for different purposes (Peteraf 1993, p. 7). African National Oil Corporation African National Oil Corporation is amongst the largest oil companies, which dominates the large part of Sub-Saharan desert. The company is based in Tripoli, Libya and merely deals with upstream and downstream products. Founded in 1970, the company has grown to own several subsidiaries in the continent such as Zawia Refining, RASCO, Brega, North African Geophysical Exploration Company and National Oil Fields among others. Although the company is state-owned, its chairperson Nuri Berruien and Abdulrahman Ben Yezza have enabled the company emerge as one of the very competitive oil companies in the world. African National Oil Corporation output accounts for over 70% in Libya (Wittner 2003, p. 12). Indeed, Libya is said to have the largest oil reserve in Africa. Other countries that have almost equal reserves include Nigeria and Algeria. As is the case with other countries in Africa, Libya is a member of OPEC (organization of petroleum exporting countries).Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Sirte Basin province was ranked 13th amongst other provinces in the world as having high-level of petroleum. The province is chiefly known to have reserves of 37.8 trillion cubic feet of gas and 0.1 Gbbl of natural gas in liquid form. Libya has managed to bring its eco nomy into control through manipulation of the oil resources policies. It has been estimated that oil products generates about 95% of the total export earnings and contributes about 50% of the GDP computed to stand at about $50.2 billion in the year 2006. Onshore gas field After exploring and carrying out an appraisal program in a potential oil field, which is about 200km south of the Mediterranean Sea, it was confirmed that the field needs about 150 wells, although the field will also need pipelines. The pipeline facilities would include condensation recovery facilities, as well as dehydration plants. A pipeline of 220 kilometers would be laid somewhere in the land from the coast. In addition, a new liquefied natural gas terminal would be built. The appraisal program also confirmed that specialized LNG vessels would be built, as it would help to ship gas to a given terminal along the U.S. coast (Amable 2003, p. 46). Exxon Mobil Power Production Sharing Contract Proposal As scholars define it, Production Sharing Contract is a kind of contract that is signed between companies that desire to extract resources, especially oil firms and governments that own natural resources and wishing to attract contractors. Mostly, governments usually give a contractor some powers to conduct exploration related activities as well as production. In this situation, a company always bears all risks associated with exploration and developing the field to become significant in production of a given natural resource. After a company is through with development, it may start producing a natural resource such as oil. In many circumstances, a company is always allowed to use profit from the resource in recovering its capital in addition to operating expenditures. The amount associated with recovering the costs is widely recognized as cost oil while the profit left after allocating revenues to all oil costs is referred to as profit oil. The oil profit is normally shared between the govern ment and the contractor. Previously, most companies have been earning 20% of the profit while government goes with a whopping 80% of the oil profit.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Production of Liquefied Natural Gas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Production sharing contract has become effective for countries that lack expertise in oil production as well as capital required for oil exploration and development (Hollingsworth 2000, p. 45). Most countries in Africa often attract foreign companies in production of oil related products with a view that it would be able to own production facilities after a given period. It is also apparent that most African countries lack expertise in oil production and sometimes they end up producing substandard products. Therefore, it is advisable for foreign companies to be given a chance as far as oil exploration is concerned. Signature Bonus Because it is mostly used in oi l producing countries, the signature bonus system tends to make an upfront payment to the country owning resources. The upfront payment enables a foreign company to begin its operations within a designated locality of in the host country. Frequently, this system has been accepted because a given company has the right to exploit natural resources in an approved region. Exxon Mobil will embrace the signature bonus initially by paying $0.1 billion before beginning its operations. The 0.1 billion is assumed that it would strongly attract ANOC in considering Exxon Mobil as the best foreign company in exploring and producing gas that will be shipped to the East coast of the U.S. However, this figure is much high as compared to what other companies would have proposed (Kanniainen Keuschnigg 2005, p. 145). Nevertheless, the company is hopeful that 0.1 million will be recovered within a short period. In fact, it would be more reasonable to sign for such huge bonuses given the fact that Sirt e Basin province was ranked 13th amongst other provinces in the world. Therefore, the reserves of 37.8 trillion cubic feet of gas and 0.1 Gbbl of natural gas in liquid form assures that Exxon Mobil will certainly stand a chance of compensating all expenditure expended in oil production in all fields. The signature bonus amount is expected to put off other companies from getting the contract of producing liquefied natural gas in a field of length 220 kilometers south of Mediterranean Sea. The company expects date of operation to begin from February 15 2012 and probably stop its operation on February 15 2037.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This duration is anticipated to remain unchanged unless unpredictable events that are binding for the termination of operation occur within the duration of operation. Exxon Mobil will comply with all requirements signed under the signature including exploiting only designated area, bringing its technology of production in the area, proving enough it has more than minimum capital requirement of 8 billion US dollars. Exxon Mobil has a good reputation of not breaking terms and conditions provided on the contract. Royalties Royalty is very important in power sharing contract since at this point title of ownership passes on to contractor. For the ownership to pass on to a contractor, a licensee must pay a certain amount of money commonly known as royalty fee. After a licensee have paid the royalty fee he/she is given go ahead of using natural resources provided by licensor. In this regard, Exxon Mobil will acquire ownership for 25 years by offering an upfront payment of $.1 billion. The payment will be made before the commencement of operations. The upfront payment of $.1 billion is anticipated to give Exxon Mobil a competitive advantage over other petroleum and gas producing companies such as Galana Oil Company. However, the company will later pay stream of a given ratio of the revenue received from operations. Nevertheless, Exxon Mobil will begin distributing annual 15% of total revenue at the end of 5th year. Exxon Mobil anticipates that it will be able to generate total revenue of 3,202,580,645 pounds at an annual basis. Exxon Mobil believes that the remaining 85% of revenue will be able to pay for other costs associated with investment such as exploration costs, development cost and production costs, which are specifically incurred before commencement of selling of liquefied natural gas. Exxon Mobility will however, embrace sliding royalty scale, which is as shown below in order to reap optimally from the gas production. Production per day Royalty percentage 8 ,000 bbl per day and below 10% 8001 bbl-15,000bbl per day 15% 15,000 bbl per day and above 20% The above sliding scale denotes that when the production level is low royalty payment will be low. This will defend Exxon Mobil from high level of losses incurred during low level of productions (Michael McGahan 2007, p. 231). Cost recovery Cost recovery is a very important aspect in power sharing contract especially with production of liquefied gas at the field, which is estimated at 200 kilometers south of the Mediterranean Sea. The cost recovery part of Exxon Mobil and ANOC contract will enable both parties to understand clearly, which costs are recoverable and which will be recovered within a designated period. In particular, Exxon Mobil will face partly exploration costs, development costs as well as the production costs. However, production costs are only counted up to the period when a product will be able to sell in the market. Exxon Mobil will be able to determine the period with in which it would be able to recoup all investment costs aimed towards producing liquefied natural gas. Exxon Mobil will comply with 100% payment policy of all costs incurred in the operation. Exxon Mobil will be free to allow ANOC to participate in production of liquefied natural gas up to the percentage of 45%. Exxon Mobil will be ready to recover all expenditures if production of liquefied natural gas will be sufficient. This means that the gas produced should be able to meet a target of average revenue of 3,202,580,645 pounds every year. In addition, Exxon Mobil will agree with ANOC that it facilitate recovery of annual costs with maximum of 60% of the revenue generated during the period. Allocation of profit gas between ExxonMobil and the African National Oil Company From the Exxon Mobil perception, it is wise to pay royalties first, although it is a law for the companies to pay royalties first. From the royalties, Exxon Mobil will as well be required by law to pay all taxes in cluding both local and state taxes. The final payment will be charged for all costs associated with the explorations, development and production activities. The remaining amount after the subsequent charges is normally referred as profit gas, which will be available for both ANOC and Exxon Mobil. The amount is expected to be distributed at the ratio of 6:4. To calculate the amount, which will directly go to the government, it would be necessary to get all costs. In the case of Exxon Mobil, it is anticipated to pay annual production tax of 4%, 15% of royalty in addition to maximum (cost gas cap) of 60% of annual revenue. In this circumstance, a profit gas of 21% [100 %-( 60%+15%+4%)] will be distributed between the government of Libya and Exxon Mobil at the ratio of 6:4. This means that Exxon Mobil will only make away with 4%of the 21% average annual revenue. However, the government of Libya will share the remaining 6% of the 21% revenue with the state-owned company at the ratio of 7 :3. The percentage allocated to the state-owned company is meant to improve facilities owned by ANOC in different regions of Libya and abroad. The government is expected to depend on the revenue for various government expenditures such as ensuring high level of education. This can be judged in such a manner given the fact that Libya oil industry makes 90% of exports (Ghemawat 1999, p. 10). Profit taxes Exxon Mobil will pay taxes in accordance with the law taxes provided in Libya. Libya requires that all domestic companies pay corporate tax of 30% while foreign companies will be charged at the rate of 40%. In addition, the charges are imposed at both the local level and state level. All-inclusive, it is expected that every foreign company will have to pay the entire 40% of its before-tax revenue. The tax before revenue will be perceived as all revenues collected less all costs associated with investment and production, as well as royalty fee and the upfront bonus signature fees. In a ddition, the liquefied natural gas, which will consequently be transported to the East coast of the U.S.A., will as well be charged export taxes at the rate of 9%. Accounting standards and foreign exchange Exxon Mobil has dedicated itself towards using the full cost method in analyzing its expenses and revenues. For this reason, the company will frequently allocate its entire expenses to the balance sheet regardless of whether the firm would successfully locate the natural gas reserves or not. The exploration costs are always indicated in the balance sheet as long-term costs although the GAAP requires all costs to be charged against the generated revenue for the specified financial period since the assets are used on a daily basis. The company is expected to convert the US dollar into sterling pounds at the rate of US $1.5 for every one sterling pound. Export rights Exxon Mobil will enter into contract with ANOC to allow it to export most of its unrefined liquefied natural gas to th e East coast of the U.S. for further processing. Exxon Mobil will however pay the export tax of 9% of the total cost of entire liquefied natural gas shipped to the U.S. Duration of contract phases and relinquishment The contract is expected to last within the duration of 25 years. The 25 years include the 4 years, which ultimately do not generate any revenue. The four years will also include the payment of the yearly investment cost of US$2 billion, which will total to US$8 billion for the 8 years. In the remaining 21 years, the company expects to generate3, 202,580,645 pounds on an annual basis. Nevertheless, termination of the contract may occur before the expiry date of the contract given that Exxon Mobil will fail to comply with the rules outlined on the contract such as failure to pay royalty fees or other costs negotiated between the government and Exxon Mobil’s directors. Meeting predetermined objectives of ANOC Technology Transfer Exxon Mobil is expected to transfer s ophisticated methods of productions to Libya. This will include bringing experts in gas exploitation in Libya as well as advanced facilities that would help in production of liquefied natural gas. Exxon Mobil is focused towards training the local residents in a bid to empower them with sufficient knowledge concerning gas production as well as oil products exploitation (Besanko Dranove 1996, p. 67). Development Local content Exxon Mobil will as well plan to improve the society of Libya by offering several incentives. Infrastructure development Exxon Mobil is focused towards helping Libya in improving its infrastructure. Exxon Mobil will particularly improve electricity in the north part on Libya. Exxon Mobil is as well planning to improve road network throughout the country with a grand of US$20 million. Apart from roads and electricity, Exxon Mobil is dedicated towards improving the level of education by pumping in US$30 million (Gompers Lerner 2004, p. 58). Laying 225 kilometer p ipeline Exxon Mobil is planning to lay a pipeline approximately 225 kilometers south of Mediterranean coast. The pipeline is budgeted at US$1million for every kilometer. It is also expected that Exxon Mobil will spend 2% of the planned operational expenditure. Exxon Mobil will contract a more competitive firm. In this respect, it would be wise for Exxon Mobil to choose PIPECO for the development as well as laying of 225-kilometer pipeline south of Mediterranean sea. The PIPECO has more competitive services as well as cost effective services that would help the entire work carried out during the production of gas effectively. The PIPECO covers the following scope. Engineering Design PIPECCO mostly imports its pipeline products from Germany, which are perceived to be stainless. PIPECO will help Exxon Mobil to lay pipes across the field in a manner that will run through areas, which are highly expected to have high level of gas. The company is also expecting to install about 30 natural liquefied gas terminals. The pipelines are expected to serve the area within the duration of 30 years before replacement. Procurement The pipeline, which will be laid on the ground, will be imported from Germany. The stainless steel pipe will be purchased at the cost of US$100 for every meter. The terminals will also be equipped with special terminals that will be purchased from France. All terminal equipments are expected to be purchased at a cost of US$1 million. Pipeline construction The pipeline construction will involve a number of issues including trenching, welding as well as reconstituting the route. The company will dig about 0.5 meters to 3 meters below the ground in order to lay the pipes, which will transport natural liquefied gas towards the coast to be shipped to the U.S. Welding will be done in order to allow the joining of laid down pieces of pipes across the 225 kilometer route. The construction will begin from the inland and finalize with terminals that would be s ituated at the coast. The construction of pipelines is estimated to cost US$1 million for very kilometer. PIPECO is expecting that Exxon Mobil would consider this affordable as compared to what other companies might be offering (Hall Soskice 2001, p. 89). 5 years operation PIPECO is expecting to run and maintain the laid down pipes for about 5 years from the time of construction. PIPECO realized that it would take Exxon Mobil 4 years to execute all activities pertaining to investment during this period and therefore, it will hardly earn anything from the investment. Exxon Mobil is expected to start generating revenue on the 5th year. Due to this, PIPECO will remain on the ground to ensure the pipes remain effective for gas production within the designated period of 5 years. Before the installment of the pipes, PIPECO will dedicate its time in advising Exxon Mobil on the best pipes to lay on the ground, which perhaps will remain effective for over 30 years without the need for repla cement. In addition, PIPECO will advice Exxon Mobil in areas that would prove efficient for pipes to be laid, which would include avoiding hilly areas that might require a lot of pressure to pump the liquefied natural gas. Most importantly, Exxon Mobil should avoid populated areas and rather lay the pipes across regions with less population to avoid leakage of pipes through road construction and other underground activities that might interfere with the pipelines. Populated areas are also risky areas as they are more exposed to criminal cases such as banditry. However, PIPECO is determined towards negotiating the price of laying down the pipes, although PIPECO will not accept any amount below US$800,000 due to risks associated with losses or facing increased cost of labor as well as procurement of the pipes. Exxon Mobil will mostly pay attention to services of PIPECO considering that laying of pipelines for various companies, which transport liquids, is its core business. Payment as sociated with performance and equity investment PIPECO will propose for a contract that will be based on performance. PIPECO would like to be rewarded in terms of its performance as well as equity investment. Payment based on performance would most likely attract Exxon Mobil since PIPECO would be paid less if its services are considered ineffective. This means that PIPECO will endure to produce the best services followed by best engineering products. However, equity investment might not be attractive considering that Exxon Mobil might fail to perform in the market. Therefore, its shares would depreciate in value leading to losses (Oster 1994, p. 36). List of references Amable, B 2003, The Diversity of Modern Capitalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Besanko, D Dranove, D 1996, Economics of Strategy, John Willey Sons, Nueva York. Casper, S Matraves, C 2003, â€Å"Institutional Frameworks and Innovation in the German and UK Pharmaceutical Industry†, Research Policy, Vol. 32, no. 1, pp 1865–1879. Ghemawat, P 1999, Games Businesses Play: Cases and Models, MIT Press, Cambridge. Gompers, P Lerner, J 2004, The Venture Capital Cycle, MIT Press, Cambridge. Hall, PA Soskice, W 2001, Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Hollingsworth, RJ 2000, â€Å"Doing Institutional Analysis: Implications for the Study of Innovations†, Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 7, no. 1, pp 595–644. Kanniainen, V Keuschnigg, C 2005, Venture Capital, Entrepreneurship, and Public Policy, MIT Press, Cambridge. Michael, P McGahan, MA 2007, â€Å"An Interview with Michael Porter†, The Academy of Management Executive, Issue 16, no. 1, pp 2-44. Oster, SM 1994, Modern Competitive Analysis, Oxford University Press, Nueva Peteraf, MA 1993, â€Å"The Cornerstone of Competitive Advantage: A Resource-Based View†, Strategic Management Journal, Issue.14, no.1, pp 179- 191. Wittner, P 2003, The European Generics Outlook: A Country-by-Country Analysis of Developing Market Opportunities and Revenue Defense Strategies, Datamonitor, London. This coursework on Production of Liquefied Natural Gas was written and submitted by user Johnny Harris to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Analysis of essays
Analysis of essays Maya Angelou has been one of the most ground-braking poets in American history. Being a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, Dr. Angelou continues to travel the world making appearances, spreading her legendary wisdom. She captures her audiences lyrically with vigor, fire and perception, and is recognized as one of the great voices of contemporary literature as well as an extraordinary Renaissance woman. Ms. Angelou travels the world spreading her legendary wisdom, captivating her audiences lyrically with strength, fire, and understanding. Through her books of poetry and her autobiographies, she has the unique ability to shatter the concealed prisms of race and class. Highly regarded by presidents and cherished by scholars, Maya Angelou's life is a collection of great achievements as well as personal tragedy. Maya Angelou was born on April 4, 1928 in Saint Louis, Missouri. She was born with the name Marguerite Johnson. The daughter of Bailey and Vivian Baxter Johnson, Ms. Angelou acquired the name Maya from her beloved brother Bailey Jr., who preferred "Maya" to "my sister". When Maya was about three years old their parents divorced and the children were sent to live with their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Maya claims that her grandmother, whom she called "Momma, had a deep-brooding love that hung over everything she touched." Growing up in Stamps, Maya learned what it was like to be a black girl in a world where boundaries were set for her by whites. As a child she always dreamed of waking to find her nappy black hair changed to long blonde hair because she felt life was better for white girls than for blacks. Despite the odds, her grandmother instilled pride in young Marguerite, with religion as an important element in their home. After five years of being apart from their mother, Marguerite and her brother, Bailey, were sent back to ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Prescription Drug Abuse and the Death of Flawed Diamonds Essay
Prescription Drug Abuse and the Death of Flawed Diamonds - Essay Example Their lifestyles are glamorous and set apart so much that they unintentionally put themselves in vulnerable situations, caused by exhaustion, less stable peers, destabilized relationships, irregular hours, identity issues, and efforts to deny mortality and the impermanence of social status. This paper will examine this issue through the celebrity porthole, and will consider the answers Confucius offers to the problem and how his teachings apply. As with most social issues, death by unintended drug poisoning, is contributed to by a number of factors. Some of those factors include accepting drugs from friends; securing multiple prescriptions; taking prescription drugs in combination with other drugs and/or with alcohol; Relying solely on drugs to relieve pain, gaining dependency; using prescription drugs for emotional support without making necessary life adjustments (Paulozzi, 2010); using drugs to maintain a certain social image when one’s true situation doesn’t fit the image. Another factor is profit that pharmaceutical companies make and, consequently, the ways they pressure doctors to prescribe particular drugs for their patients. Doctors are often too busy to notice what drugs their patients are still taking, and patients too often fail to dispose of excess medication (Paulozzi, 2010). Exposure to constant advertising is another significant factor. The most recent death of a celebrity, apparently due to a combination of prescription drugs and alcohol, driven by lifestyle irregularities and destabilization, is Whitney Houston, who just died at 48 years of age (Dolak, NG, & Vega, 2012). Her peers in the music industry referred to her as one of the greatest voices to ever grace the earth, a true original and a talent beyond compare, one of the most iconic voices of my lifetime (Marikar, 2012). Her regretful and untimely death is included in a long lineage of unintended deaths by prescription drug poisoning, alone or in combination with alcohol or other drugs. This lineage includes Marilyn Monroe (intentionality controversial), Dorothy Dandridge, Jimi Hendrix, Freddie Prinze, Elvis Presley, Keith Moon, Steve Clark, Rob Pilatus, Dana Plato, Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Chris Penn, Gerald Levert, Anna Nicole Smith (and her son Daniel), Pimp C, Heath Ledger (Katie, 2009), Brittany Murphy, and Michael Jackson, among others. Speaking from the teachings of Confucius, I observe that a superior individual must be virtuous, educated and well-mannered, a combination of saint, scholar and gentleman (Shinn, 1997). Right conduct is of extreme importance, in honor to ancestors, for the satisfaction of doing right, and to avoid punishment by T’ien, the God of Heaven. T’ien often punishes those who do not have good conduct, with an early death (Shinn, 1997). Sincerity, benevolence, filial piety and propriety are basic principles of virtuous conduct (Shinn, 1997). The celebrities mentioned were people whose lives were extreme, liv ed in the context of the entertainment field. It is a field that discourages sincerity (replacing it with performance), benevolence (substituting competition), filial piety (substituting the constant reinvention of self and values), and propriety (replaced by partying, drugs, alcohol, loud behavior, and gaining attention). Alcohol, drugs, domestic battery, suicide attempts, promiscuity, heavy competition, betrayal, scandals and gossip,
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
ART5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
ART5 - Essay Example â€Å"In the nineteenth century â€Å"Oriental Studies" was an area of academic study. But the West had to create the East in order for this study to take place.†(Orientalism, para.24) According to Occidentals, Orientalism is an indicative of the power that West has over Orient, as its colony. In a way, Occidentals were creating the image of Orient as it was suitable to them. Edward Said disagrees with this opinion, and this fact is the basis of discussion between Said and other scholars. As an example of Eastern culture I have considered the country of Turkey. There are countless tours to this country, since it is still one of the most attractive places to visit by westerners. Turkey is rich in historical places and places of interest. Searching through the sites offering tours to this country I have chosen a few most popular sights to see there. St. Nicholas church in Myra is one of the first places tourists are offered to visit. According to the legend, St. Nicolas was a bishop there in the 4th century; he was famous for his miracles and known for his kindness. One of the main attractions of Myra is the amphitheatre and the plethora of rock-cut tombs carved in the cliff above the theatre. One of the places that every tourist should visit in traditional Turkish bath called Hamam. Going to Hamam is traditional among Turkish men and women; if one would like to feel a real spirit of this country visiting Hamam is essential. Instanbul is the city full of places of interest and historical monuments. Among them is Hagia Sofia, the Church of the Holy Wisdom. Nothing remains of the original Hagia Sofia built in the 4th century by Constantine the Great, it was destroyed twice and was rebuilt in its present form between 532 and 537. Hagia Sofia is one of the greatest examples of Byzantine architecture, rich with mosaic and marble
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Case Study: Audit Processes of a Computer Company
Case Study: Audit Processes of a Computer Company Introduction Internal auditing is a consulting activity on a company that is independent. It aims at helping a company/ form evaluate its managerial system, identify issues in the firm and control the process of governance. Therefore an internal audit helps in supporting the board in their duties of completing important businesses in the company. The main issues faced by the auditor is whether research and development costs expensed in establishing technological feasibility were properly expensed or capitalized when appropriate. A good audit plan when implemented improves business performances and increases sales in a company. Definitions An internal audit is a tool used in firms to evaluate how effective its management system is and its quality. An internal auditor is any person who is qualified enough to have a responsibility of performing the audit process Nonconformance is the situation where the practice of a company is in disagreement with the standard practices KCN Analysis of the Audit Strategies Section Purpose Audit Strategy OBJECTIVES OF THE ENGAGEMENT This lists the services to be provided by the audit firm to KCN. The aim of this process is to define Keyton Computers Networks Inks internal audit for the purpose of evaluating the companys effectiveness.This is the audit of KCNs financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2015, and the issuance of a letter of engagement. BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY CONDITIONS To evaluate KCNs business and the industry it operates in KCN sells and services micro-computers, networking hardware and software to different businesses. PLANNING MEETINGS Shows the meetings that have been made with the clients and CPA team One meeting so far held with client and one with engagement team OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Shows/ indicates who owns and manages the company. Owners: Terry Keystone, Mark Keystone, John Keystone, Keith Young, and Rita Young. Managers: Terry and Mark Keystone OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES AND BUSINESS RISKS This establishes clients goals, how they planned to achieve it, and the commensurate risks, and how they planned to overcome these risks. The main aim is to increase revenues 110% and increase net income to112% for each of the next 3 years. To achieve this there will be need to: (1) advertise aggressively, sell to customers with higher risk profiles, and to develop new software.  The primary risks involved are not being able to produce the desired results and exceeding increased sales with credit losses. Another possible risk is not producing products in the software development. MEASUREMENT AND REVIEW OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE These are the ways used for performance evaluation. The procedures include inventory and receivables turnover, aging of accounts receivable, and the total inventory balance. PROCEDURES TO ATTAIN AN UNDERSTANDING OF CLIENT AND CLIENTS OPERATING ENVIRONMENT This tells the procedures to be done so the auditors can understand the client and the clients environment. For this audit strategy, the auditor needs to 1) review the prior years audit, 2) make inquiries from management, 3) analyze KCNs minutes of its board of directors meetings, 4) evaluate performance reports, 5) analyze company website, 6) appraise industry reports, and 7) assess business newspapers including the Wall Street Journal. AUDIT APPROACH This defines the general plan to be taken. Just like last years audit, the accountants assigned to KCNs audit have to make a plan about the companys tests of controls to gauge whether its control risks are below the maximum for the identified assertions. SIGNIFICANT RISKS Primary risks identified by the auditors. The primary risks involved are not being able to produce the desired results and exceeding increased sales with credit losses. Another possible risk is not producing products in the software development, and analysis of the quarterly results showed significant bonuses awarded to officers. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING MATTERS This are matters of concern in accounting and auditing Two primary concerns exist: whether accounting for extended warranties is done properly and cost of software. PLANNING MATERIALITY The auditor computes the materiality threshold. Review of sales, total assets, and pretax net income, to plan for materiality, $70,000 was established as the measure. SCHEDULING AND STAFFING PLAN This is the audits schedule. It also identifies the human resources assigned to the engagement. This includes the target dates for each major section of the audit starting from the interim audit work up to the updating of the management letter.The firm budgeted 118 hours for the engagement. KCN Risks RiskImplications and Response The primary risks involved are not being able to produce the desired results and exceeding increased sales with credit lossesthrough the extension of credits to high risk customers This increases the risk of bad debt expense misstatement and the corresponding allowance. The auditors can revise their estimates on the value of an account, and ignore the procedures previously done. Bonuses for the clients officers There could be an increase in the risk of quarterly results misstatement to extract the maximum bonus for officers.Also this motivates the officers to work more for more bonuses. The auditors may respond by reducing the number of the staff as long as they can handle their duties, to reduce number of people receiving bonuses. KCN Capitalization of Software Development Costs For KCN, the auditor has to determine whether research and development costs including those expended to establish technological feasibility have been properly booked as expenses or capitalized wherever appropriate.The audit firm will then identify the point of feasibility for the software product.The primary risks involved are not being able to produce the desired results and exceeding increased sales with credit losses by selling to high risk customers. The implication of this factor is that it creates a chance for misstatement of bad debt expense and the allowance for bad debts. Moreover, auditors will either increase or decrease their evaluation of the worthiness of the accounts receivable and avoid relying on previously done procedures. KCN Ratio Analysis Keystone Computers Networks, Inc. Analytical Review of Financial Ratios For the Period Ended December 31, 20X5 Details of Computations of 2005 ratios Ratio analysis may be difficult when there are no major changes in ratios. However, the following might be considered: Number of Sales in Accounts per day Changes in credit policy and customer mix Improved economic conditions Exaggerations of sales Understatement of purchases Turnover of Inventory Change in the policy of the inventory exaggeration of inventory Understatement of the commodities bought by the company As KCN competes with companies that are much larger than itself and some even older in the computer and software business, the economic pressure is a lot. Whether bor not the company succeeds depends on how it handles the competition, for example, being able to attain and maintain a qualified market. This may increase its growth in the software sector by up to 6%. Conclusion The audit process is an important part of a company. Using the ratios and factors above, the Keyton company auditing process was carried out. The increased profitability level resulted to a number of ratios with significant changes.As mentioned in the first part of this discussion paper, the auditor needs to determine whether research and development costs are properly expenses or capitalized when appropriate. The auditors determined that accounting for research and development was followed and all it needs to do is to identify when the software product became technologically feasible. As stated above, implementing these policies from the auditors reports will increase the sales for example, up to 6% in software alone. This supports our thesis statement. References Chesler, L. (1981). Baseline audit plan. Santa Monica, Calif. Kagermann, H. (2008). Internal audit handbook: Management with the SAP-Audit Roadmap. Berlin: Springer. Pickett, K. H. S. (2006). Audit planning: A risk-based approach. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Why did the Compromise Fall in 1860? Why did the Compromise Fall in 1860? During the beginning of the nineteenth century, the relationship between North and South deteriorated over the issue of territorial expansion. In 1850, the issue of slavery was slowly dividing the North and South sections of the United States; both factions were of similar origins and had a myriad of common bonds. Frantic efforts at compromise were launched such as the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 and The Missouri Compromise of 1820. However, the sectional rift only increased with the Brooks-Sumner incident and any chances of compromise were terminated with the Supreme Court decision of the Dred Scott case in 1859. The two powerful parties of the Second American Party System, the Democrats and the Whigs, were dumbfounded and could not find a solution to the slave question, which ultimately lead to their destruction. From their remains rose two new political parties, the Republican Party and a southern party devoted to the defense of slavery. Their battle in the election of 1860 would decide the future and fate of the United States. By 1860 all attempts at compromise had failed, and within a year the nation was in the midst of a bloody Civil War that would cost over 600,000 American lives and divided many families in the process. The types of economies that developed in the three regions of the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century had a powerful impact on political goals and decisions. The South grew important cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, sugar, and rice. The North was far more industrialized than the South or even the West, having shifted from mercantile capitalism. At the same time the West shifted from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture and produced more foodstuffs, such as corn and wheat, than the other two regions. The North came to rely more and more on western foodstuffs and in return, westerners became consumers of northern industrial and commercial products. By the 1850s the North and West were economically joined, and the Norths economy was rapidly evolving into a modern-day industrial and commercial system. In the South, cash crops such as rice and tobacco were grown extensively. Yet no commodity was more important to the South than cotton. One southern politi cal leader was so certain that the rest of the nation depended on the Souths cotton production that he declared, Cotton is King! Cotton was one of the most important commodities in the world in the nineteenth century; many factories in the Northern states as well as European countries such as Great Britain and France needed cotton for their important and prosperous textile industries. Yet this was all done on the backs of abused slaves who worked tirelessly night and day to pick the cotton of their masters plantations. In the early 1800s Northerners were content to allow slavery to reside in Southern states. Only when Southern leaders sought to expand slavery did many Northerners become concerned. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 was an attempt to maintain the balance in the Senate between slave and Free states. Senator Henry Clay, known as the Great Compromiser, worked out a compromise in which Maine would enter the Union as a free state while Missouri would be admitted into the Union as the northernmost slave state. As a result of the compromise, slavery was then prohibited north of the 36 °30 parallel making a clear distinction between the northern and southern states. This boundary would then later be challenged by events such as the Dred Scott case, yet it marvelously managed to avert war for forty years, and thus set it aside for a later generation to fight, but the damage to American nationalism helped to erode the so-called Era of Good Feelings in which the popular James Monroe presided as president. During 1828, Congress passed a tariff that protected Northern industries but had the unwanted consequence of driving up domestic prices. This, while beneficial to the growing industry in the North, greatly crippled the South who suffered as their economy largely depended on the import and export of domestic goods. As a result, this new bill outraged Southerners who began calling it the Tariff of Abominations. South Carolina spearheaded Southern concerns by citing the doctrine of nullification, which allowed individual states to nullify proclamations of the federal government that would be found to be unconstitutional or inhibit the states rights. The issue of nullification was taken up in the Senate in the famous Webster-Hayne debate in which Daniel Webster of Massachusetts, the Senates leading orator, responded by challenging the Souths apparent willingness to subvert the Union for regional economic gain. In doing so, he broadened the debate beyond land, tariffs, and slavery to a co nsideration of the very nature of the federal republic. In 1832 Congress modified the tariff of 1828 by retaining high duties on some goods, but lowering others to rates held before the treaty. A South Carolina convention, under the leadership of current vice-president John Calhoun, later that year adopted an Ordinance of Nullification, voiding the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 in the state. The claim was that because the South tended to export food and import manufactured goods these tariffs were abusive and unfair; this new Ordinance supported free trade and generally opposed protective tariffs. The South Carolina state legislature funded a volunteer army and threatened secession if the federal government tried to force the state to comply with the tariffs. President Jackson, though an advocate of states rights, responded forcefully and threatened to invade South Carolina if its leaders refused to participate in the collection of tariff duties. To the ambitious malcontents in South Car olina, he proclaimed emphatically, the laws of the United States must be executed. . . . The Union will be preserved and treason and rebellion promptly put down. Jacksons proclamation stimulated an outburst of patriotism all over the country, isolating South Carolina from the rest of the Union. President Andrew Jackson asked Congress to grant him the authority to use military force to collect tax revenues and to subdue South Carolina. Congress complied by passing the Force Bill of 1833; the bill gave the President the authority to close ports or harbors at his will. This in turn would require opponents to the tariff to travel a distance to carry out any threats or insurrection against federal facilities. Hostile acts against government facilities or personnel would then be considered pre-meditated and blatant. Fortunately, however, the president never had to resort to military action. The crisis was averted when Congress passed a bill that reduced the productive tariff the following year. These events were dubbed the Nullification Crisis and the Compromise of 1833. Though war was averted, South Carolina now became the hotbed of southern dissent. The crisis of 1850 may never have occurred if a more common resource was discovered in California. But since gold was so rare, and therefore very valuable, Californias population skyrocketed. By 1850 over 100,000 hoping-to-strike-it-rich settlers, also known as forty-niners, flocked to California in hopes of attaining vast wealth in the gold that was said to be so abundant there. Without waiting for federal approval, the inhabitants of California called a convention, framed a constitution that prohibited slavery, and applied to Congress for admission as a state without first becoming a territory, this was made possible due to the vast influx of people who had emigrated there from the east of the United States as well as those who had immigrated from other countries. California had become very populous. The questions of whether California should be admitted as a free state and slavery should be allowed in New Mexico and Utah, two other territories asking to be allowed into the Union a t the time, generated a great deal of controversy both within Congress and throughout the nation. President Taylor supported Californias admission. Though the slaveholding president supported the proposal, other slaveholders throughout the country did not follow suit. Many southerners quickly threatened that they would secede from the Union if California was admitted as a free state. The Great Compromiser Henry Clay then once again stepped into the fray and proposed a compromise to this problem; this would be known as the Compromise of 1850. The compromise itself was more a series of bills than an actual compromise, these bills included among other things, that California would enter the Union as a free state; a more stringent Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 was guaranteed to be rigidly enforced. The law itself was already present, but it was rarely followed due to it being so poorly enforced as well as fierce opposition from Northerners who refused to hand in runaway slaves to the ever unpopular slave hunters; a settlement of the boundary between Texas and New Mexico; an indemnity to be paid to Texas for the relinquishment of its claims to a large portion of New Mexico; the slave trade would be banned in Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) though the ownership of slaves would not be abolished in the capital. This idea arose mainly because in this time period many European nations, with which the United States of America did business with, had already abolished slavery throughout their country, and it would leave an unfavorable impression on a foreign diplomat to see slaves which were no longer allowed in their own country, still present in another with whom they were considering associating themselves with ; the Mexican Cession, or the land taken from Mexico as a result of Americas victory in the Mexican-American War, would be divided into two new territories, New Mexico and Utah. Both territories would determine the status of slavery in their areas by popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty was a system that would determine whether the state or territory would be free or would allow slavery by mean of holding local elections in said state or territory, Democrats would advocate popular sovereignty during the election of 1860. The compromise was made official with the signing of President Millard Fillmore. This passage by Congress delayed the onset of the Civil War for more than eleven years. The Bleeding Kansas period came about due to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Democrat and Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act to further the construction of a Transcontinental Railroad to Chicago despite being warned by Frederick Douglass that the bill was an open invitation to a fierce and bitter strife. For the Bill to pass he needed the votes of southern Democrats, who were unwilling to support him unless the new Territories needed to accomplish it were open to slavery. Douglas thought that by proposing that the status of slavery in the new territories be governed by the principle of popular sovereignty, he would satisfy both pro and anti slavery factions. However, his bill in effect, repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which barred slavery north of latitude 36à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ° 30. This brought as consequence that the Southern Whigs voted with southern Democrats in favor of the measure, and the northern Whigs rejected it, creating an irreconcilable spl it that left Whigs unable to field a presidential candidate in 1856. In the congressional elections of 1854, the southern Democrats became the dominant voice both in congress and within the party due to the split with the northern Democrats. The Cotton Whigs, who had economic ties with southern slave owners, were convinced that the bill would encourage antislavery feelings in the north. They urged southern politicians to vote against the bill, but were utterly ignored. This convinced them that compromise with the South was impossible and the nation watched horrified as the residents of Kansas slaughtered each other in pursuit of sectional goals that increasingly seemed to represent the divisions of the country. Since popular sovereignty would decide Kansass fate, it seemed that the majority of Kansas antislavery farmers would align Kansas with the Free states. Proslavery sympathizers in neighboring Missouri were not about to stand by while their neighbor cast its lot with the free s tates on account of its land being fertile and perfect for growing and farming cotton, the white gold of the South. Soon, border ruffians crossed into Kansas with the intention of making it a slave state. Border ruffians terrorized Kansas and intimidated others to vote proslavery with vicious threats and cast fraud ballots during elections to help elect their candidates into office. In response, Northern opponents of slavery like the New England Emigrant Society began sending supporters to Kansas. Fighting soon erupted as advocates of slavery created a government in Lecompton, Kansas and their opponents established an antislavery government in Topeka. Shortly thereafter, proslavery forces massacred citizens of the antislavery town of Lawrence. In retaliation, a violent abolitionist named John Brown organized his own massacre of five suspected proslavery advocates at Pottawatomie Creek in 1856. The Democratic President Pierces decision to remain aloof from the events in Kansas furthe r damaged what was left of his partys cohesion. In the ensuing months it seemed as if Kansas would enter as a free state, but a new problem arose; enter President James Buchanan. The newly elected President Buchanan accepted the proslavery Lecompton Constitution, which would admit Kansas as a slave state. Certain democrats then agreed to unite with the young Republican Party in 1858 to oppose the Lecompton Constitution, their efforts were not in vain and Kansas was ultimately accepted into the Union as a free state. The election of 1856 attracted one of the highest voter turnouts in American history. Ordinary citizens were sharing the politicians concerns about the growing sectional rifts in the nation. The northern turnout also showed that the threat posed by expansion of slavery was greater than that posed by new immigrants. In 1856 the people of the United States heard about the looting and burning in Kansas, about John Browns massacre at Pottawatomie, and about the Sumner-Brooks incident on the senate floor, ostensibly causing the unprecedented voters outpour. In the latter incident, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts suffered permanent injuries from an attack by Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina. Using abusive and accusatory language in his The Crime Against Kansas speech, Sumner had singled out for ridicule Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina. Sumners rude and personal attack suggested that the senator was drooling. South Carolina, Sumner cried, had sent to the Senate a Don Quixote who had chosen a mistress who, though polluted in the sight of the world, is chaste in his sight- I mean the harlot, Slavery. Talk of sexual connection between white Southerners and slaves was always explosive. Senator Butlers nephew, Preston Brooks, did not bother to challenge Sumner to a duel. Brooks said that the Yankee would never give satisfaction and would therefore refuse or flee from the challenge. Instead, Brooks strode into the Senate chamber and, finding the Massachusetts lawmaker alone, brutally beat Sumner with his cane, nearly ending his life. In Brooks mind, he was simply avenging an intolerable affront to his uncles honor. Each man found his action perfectly justifiable and the action of the other outrageous. So far had the behavioral codes of the North and the South diverged, and their attitudes were mirrored by their respective sections. The nation lay as divided as the senators. President-elect James Buchanans support for a pro-southern decision by the Supreme Court further aggravated sectional differences. In Dred Scott vs. Sandford, a southern-dominated Supreme attempted, in vain, to solve the political controversy over slavery. Scott, a slave, had been taken by his owner to Illinois, a Free State, and Wisconsin Territory north of the Missouri Compromise line. During that time, Scott married another slave and had a daughter who was born in free territory, then returned to Missouri, a slave state. Once in Missouri Scott sued for his freedom and that of his wife and daughter on the grounds that residence in free lands had made them free. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional asserting that the federal government had no right to interfere with the free movement of property throughout the territories. Taney dismissed the Dred Scott case on the grounds that only citizens could bring suits before federal courts and that b lack people were not citizens. The five southern members of the Supreme Court concurred with the decision along with one Northerner, Robert Grier. President-elect Buchanan had pressured Justice Grier into supporting the majority. Clearly as a sectional decision, Southerners expressed satisfaction and support for the Court, Northerners disagreed. They found themselves questioning the power of the Supreme Court to establish the law of the land. The racist attitude of the Supreme Court was a bitter blow to the free blacks in the North. The South was overjoyed with the Courts ruling. The North was outraged; Northern Democrats like Senator Steven Douglas of Illinois found it increasingly difficult to reconcile their support of popular sovereignty in the Dred Scott decision. Under Douglass definition of popular sovereignty, it was always the white majority that would make decisions about black mens freedom. Lincoln responded to this definition by stating that for a man to rule another man without his consent was tyranny. Lincoln succeeded in pressing Douglas on the issue of slavery in the territories after Chief Justice Taneys Dred Scott decision. Lincoln used this opportunity to attack Douglass popular sovereignty idea. For how could the people of a territory vote against slavery, if Chief Justice Taney said that every American had a right to carry his property with him? In response, Douglas introduced his Freeport Doctrine. The doctrine was dubbed after the Illinois town where Lincoln and Douglas had met for one of their debates. The doctrine said slavery could not exist without friendly legislation to support it. Anti-slavery voters could simply refuse to pass such laws and slavery would effectively be kept out of the territory. Douglas concluded then that popular sovereignty was entirely consistent with Chief Justice Taneys ruling. However, the Freeport Doctrine alienated many Southern Democrats. Douglas had actually stated the essence of the doctrine previous t o the debate at Freeport, but its prominent public assertion at Freeport contributed, along with other political disputes, to antagonizing those in the Southern United States who were demanding ever-increasing protections for slavery, and who subsequently insisted on the repudiation of the Freeport Doctrine in order to block Douglas presidential bid in 1860. Containing slavery became important to Northerners, who believed that as slavery expanded, Northern industrial capitalism would become limited. To fight this fear a new political party emerged in the 1850s, the Republicans, whose political goals were free labor, free soil, free men. The industrial capitalists, owners of the Norths factories and workshops had the most to gain by containing the spread of slavery and expanding capitalism. For example, as capitalism expanded, they hoped to expand the labor pool, by supporting a loose immigration policy, which in turn would drive down the wages that they would have to pay for workers. Just as the planters dominated the South, the industrial capitalists profoundly influenced the Norths political, economic and cultural system. In addition, their political and economic objectives often clashed with those of the Souths planter class. In the South, militant political leaders, referred to as fire-eaters due to their adamant nature to raise cont roversial disputes, especially with their northern counterparts. These fire-eaters chafed at the notion of containing slavery, let alone abolishing it entirely, naturally bringing about disputes between the two. These clashes were mostly due to slavery as the industrial capitalists wanted to expand the white labor pool and southern plantation owners wanted to keep their slave force. Though compromises such as the Missouri Compromise, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the myriad of bills proposed by Henry Clay in the Compromise of 1850, it helped to divert attention from the topic and to try and appease both sides, but conflict was inevitable. As discussed earlier, both the North and the South consisted of entirely different ideals and culture by the nineteenth century. These divisions were brought to light in both the violence of the Brooks-Sumner incident and the racist decision of the South-dominated Supreme Court during the Dred Scott case. By the time Abraham Lincoln, the sixteen pre sident of the United States of America, took office the southern had already seceded from the Union. There was no longer room for compromise, Lincoln was given two options; to allow the Union to crumble or fight to preserve it. They thought themselves to be to economically powerful, politically influential, and the North and the rest of Europe too dependent on their White Gold for slavery to be abolished. They were wrong.
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